Today, , we are paying:
Please use this table to estimate how much we would pay you, based on your items’ precious-metal purity and weight (excluding any stones). The actual price we pay will be set on the day we receive your shipment.
Our metal pricing is based on the latest available afternoon LBMA price (formerly called the “London Fix”). We update this page daily as soon as new LBMA pricing becomes available.
Our prices are quoted in US Dollars ($ USD) per pennyweight (dwt). There are 20 pennyweight in 1 troy ounce. If you only know your items’ gram weight, simply divide it by 1.555 to convert to pennyweight. (Think of a pennyweight as roughly one-and-a-half grams, or that a gram is about two-thirds of a pennyweight.)
Please feel free to Contact Us for help with estimating your payment.
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