5 Places You Can Find Money In Your Home
When you’re looking for ways to generate extra income, you often find them in the most unexpected of places. Your home is a prime example – it can be a real treasure trove if you [...]
Prospectus: Demand for recycled gold set to increase year on year
Despite price fluctuations caused by the current waves of uncertainty in US markets, things are looking positive for gold sellers, buyers and the recycled gold industry at large. The value of gold is set to [...]
What do the different gold color variations mean?
Many people are uncertain about what the differences in gold color means and how it affects the value of their jewelry. To make things more complicated, we also find the different karat ratings that vary [...]
Five tips for selling your gold jewelry
Advertisements promising cash for your gold jewelry are very hard to miss - and not always for good reason. You’ve undoubtedly seen one of the many “We Buy Gold!” commercials and probably had a good [...]